import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import java.awt.*; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.process.*; /** Gradient XY from Float * * Gets the XY gradient from a floating point image * * This example adapted by pf from tutorial plugins named * ColorInverter & StackAverage found with the tutorial at * * */ public class GradXYfromFloat_ implements PlugInFilter { protected ImagePlus imp; // defines an instance variable, protected means what? public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { if (arg.equals("about")) {showAbout(); return DONE;} this.imp=imp; return DOES_32; // checks for stacked floats as input } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { // ImageStack stack=imp.getStack(); // sets up the image stack for access // get width, height and the region of interest int w = ip.getWidth(); int h = ip.getHeight(); int dimension = ip.getWidth()*ip.getHeight(); float[] pixels01 = (float[]) ip.getPixels(); // gets the first slice pixel array double amplitude=0; double phase=0; int i, j, iplus, jplus, k; // IJ.showMessageWithCancel("testwindow","look out"); // create a new image with the same size and copy the pixels of the original image ImagePlus fpimage = NewImage.createFloatImage("XYgradient stack",w,h,2,NewImage.FILL_BLACK); ImageStack fpstack = fpimage.getStack(); float[] rpixels = (float[]) fpstack.getPixels(1); float[] ipixels = (float[]) fpstack.getPixels(2); for (i=0; i