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Dr. Nancy Shields

Founders Professor
Associate Professor Emeritus

nancy shields



574a Clark Hall
Email: nancy_shields@umsl.edu

B.A. , University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1970 (Sociology)
M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1973 (Sociology)
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1977 (Sociology)

My current teaching interests include statistics, research methods, social psychology, and the sociology of education. I have published articles in the areas of domestic violence and sociology of education. My major theoretical interests are in the areas of adult life development, attribution theory, role theory and theories of self presentation.

Published Works

  1. 2006 Shields, N.  and L. Pierce. “Controversial Issues Related to Teen Pregnancy: A Feminist Perspective.” In Holgate, H. and Yuen, Francis (Eds.), Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: Global Perspectives, Issues and Interventions, Francis and Taylor, 129-148.
  2. 2003 (with D. Kilpatrick, P. Resick, L. Williams, et al.), Fostering collaborations between violence against women researchers” Social Insight, (8), Fall, 2003.  “Afterword” written by Nancy Shields.
  3. 2003 Shields, N., “Understanding place-bound Students:  Correlates and consequences of limited educational opportunities,” Social Psychology of Education, 49-03: 1-24, 2003.
  4. 2002 Shields, N., “Anticipatory socialization, adjustment to university life, and perceived stress: generational and sibling effects,” Social Psychology of Education, 5:365-392.
  5. 2001 Shields, N., “Stress, active coping, and academic performance among persisting and nonpersisting college students,” Journal of Biobehavioral Research, 6(2):65-81.
  6. 2001 Shields, N. (with D. Kilpatrick, P. Resick, L. Williams, et. al.), “Fostering collaborations between violence against women researchers and practitioners,”Social Insight, (6): 29-36.
  7. 2001 Shields, N. and L. Pierce, “Factors related to aggressive and violent behavior among preadolescent African American boys,” International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 10(1/2): 51-68
  8. 2000 Shields, N. and J. Pietroburgo, “Comparing the success of two-year college students and students with other academic backgrounds in a non-traditional engineering program,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education.
  9. 2000 Pierce, L. and N. Shields, “Gender differences in aggressive and violent behavior among African-American preadolescents:  A comparison of the effects of social and psychological factors,” in Advances in Gender Research, Volume 4, JAI Press, 227-254.
  10. 1999 Shields, N., H. R. Grodsky, W. P Darby and J. Pietroburgo, “Access to engineering: An evaluation of the success of a pre-college program for African-American high school students,” Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education.
  11. 1998 Pierce, L. and N. Shields, “The Be a Star community-based after-school program: Developing resiliency factors in high-risk preadolescent youth,”Journal of Community Psychology, 26(20): 175-184.
  12. 1998 McCall, G. J. and N. Shields, “Violence and Health,” in S. Alters and W. Schiff, Essential Concepts for Healthy Living, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 65-82.
  13. 1997 Grodsky, H. R., Shields, N., Gardner, G., and W. P Darby, “Success factors for a university partnership in non-traditional engineering education,” Proceedings of the International Conference for Engineering Education.
  14. 1997 Shields, N. and G. J. McCall, “Violence and health,” in S. Alters and W. Schiff, Concepts for Healthy Living, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 77-96.
  15. 1996 Shields, N. and R. H. Grodsky, “Evaluation of a pre-college program for minorities and women in engineering,” Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Proceedings, Session ETD 464, 144-150.
  16. 1996 Shields, N., and L. Pierce, “The effects of race and gender of group leaders on the responses of African-American children in a small group setting,” Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol. 13(1): 56-76.
  17. 1996 Shields, N., Grodsky, H. R. and W. P. Darby, “Access to Engineering: A description and an evaluation of a pre-collegiate program for minorities and women,” American Society for Engineering Education Proceedings.
  18. 1995 Shields, N., Scarpellino, M. and W. P. Darby, “Academic performance and satisfaction of non-traditional students in a traditional setting,” American Society for Engineering Education Proceedings, 1954-1959.
  19. 1995 Shields, N., “The link between student identity, attributions, and self-esteem among adult, returning students,” Sociological Perspectives. 38(2): 261-272.
  20. 1994 Shields, N., “Retention, academic success and progress among adult, returning students: a comparison of the effects of institutional and external factors,” National Academic Advising Association Journal, Spring, 14(1): 8-13.
  21. 1993 Shields, N., “Attribution processes and stages of adult life development among adult university students,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 23(16):1321-1336.
  22. 1992 Shields, N. and C. R. Hanneke, “Comparing the psychological impact of battering, marital rape and stranger rape,” Clinical Sociology Review, Vol. 10: 151-170.
  23. 1990 Shields, N. M., Resick, P. and C. R. Hanneke, “Victims of marital Rape,” In Ammerman, R. T. and Hersen, M., eds., Treatment of Family Violence: A Sourcebook, John Wiley and Sons.
  24. 1988 Shields, N. M., McCall, G. J., and C. R. Hanneke, “Patterns of family and non-family violence: Violent husbands and violent men,” Violence and Victims, 3(2): 83-99
  25. 1988 Shields, N. M. and C. R. Hanneke, “Multiple sexual victimization: The case of incest and marital rape,” In Hotaling, G. T. et al, Family Abuse and its Consequences: New Research Directions, Sage.
  26. 1986 Morse, G., Shields, N. M., Hanneke, C. R., McCall, G. J., Calsyn, R. J. & B. Nelson, “St. Louis' homeless: Mental health needs, services, and policy implications,” Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. IX, 4: 39-50.
  27. 1986 Hanneke, C. R., Shields, N. M. & G. J. McCall, “Assessing the prevalence of marital rape,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 1: 350-362.
  28. 1986 McCall, G. J. & N. M. Shields, “Social and structural factors in family violence,” In M. H. Lystad, ed., Violence in the Home, New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  29. 1985 Hanneke, C. R. & N. M. Shields, “Marital rape: Implications for the helping professions,” Social Casework, 66: 451-458.
  30. 1983 Shields, N. M. & C. R. Hanneke, “Attribution processes in violent relationships: Perceptions of violent husbands and their wives,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 13: 515-527.
  31. 1983 Shields, N. M. & C. R. Hanneke, “Battered wives' reactions to marital rape,” In D. Finkelhor, et al, eds., The Dark Side of Families: Current Family Violence Research. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
  32. 1981 Shields, N. M. & C. R. Hanneke, “Violent husbands and their wives' reactions,” Law and Policy Quarterly, 3: 371-375.
  33. 1981 McCall, G. J. & N. M. Shields, “Sociology and the criminal justice system,” In G. E. Meisner, ed., Justice Studies: Their Trans-Disciplinary Nature and Character. St. Louis: Mosby.
  34. 1979 Shields, N. M., “Accounts and other interpersonal strategies in a credibility detracting context,” Pacific Sociological Review, 22: 255-272.
  35. 1976 Shields, N. (Mazanec) & G. J. McCall, “Sex factors and allocation of attention in observing persons,” Journal of Psychology, 93: 175-180.
  36. 1975 Shields, N. (Mazanec) & G. J. McCall, “Sex, cognitive categories and observational accuracy,” Psychological Reports, 37: 987-990.
  37. 1974 McCall, G. J., Shields (Mazanec), N., Erickson, W. L. & H. W. Smith, “Same-sex recall effects in tests of observational accuracy,” Perceptual and Motor Skills, 38:830.