Visual 2

Nip it in the Bud

When two or more artists decide to work on a joint project, it is imperative that they consider the many areas where they might likely have disagreements and work toward a “meeting of the minds” before their work begins. This is important for those who are involved in a one-time collaboration and it is important for those who are planning to form a partnership.

The following are just a few questions to address.

• Who will be responsible for various tasks? It’s one thing to do the creative work but quite another to clean tools, take orders, pack and ship, and perform other menial tasks.

• If one of the partners proposes a project that generates little interest among the other partners, can that partner proceed with the idea on her own?

• How are the costs of doing business to be divided? How are the profits to be shared?

• What business decisions must be discussed before those decisions are made? Are partners free to enter into contracts without consulting the group?