Handout 3

Situation Cards

Well-respected local artist, Mena Tolliver, won a design competition sponsored by the city. The 12-foot bronze sculpture was placed on a downtown corner near the football stadium. The sculpture received a lot of notice and was often included in television news shots and in the newspaper when reporters were covering the local team. To her amazement, she picks up the paper to find a report that the sculpture has been painted to match the football team uniform colors. City workers at the stadium painted her work.

Well-respected local artist, Mena Tolliver, won a design competition sponsored by the city. The 12-foot bronze sculpture was placed on a downtown corner near the football stadium. The sculpture received a lot of notice and was often included in television news shots and in the newspaper when reporters were covering the local team. After ten years of exposure to the elements, the sculpture began to show signs of deterioration. City workers painted the work with brown paint in order to restore it and preserve the metal.

Well-respected local artist, Mena Tolliver, won a design competition sponsored by the city. The 12-foot bronze sculpture was placed on a downtown corner near the football stadium. The sculpture received a lot of notice and was often included in television news shots and in the newspaper when reporters were covering the local team. After ten years of exposure to the elements, the sculpture began to show wear. Concerned that the sculpture could be dangerous in its deteriorated condition, city workers dismantled it and threw it away.

Well-respected local artist, Mena Tolliver, won a design competition sponsored by the city. The 12-foot bronze sculpture was placed on a downtown corner near the football stadium. The sculpture received a lot of notice and was often included in television news shots and in the newspaper when reporters were covering the local team. After ten years of exposure to the elements, the sculpture began to show wear. Concerned that the sculpture could be dangerous in its deteriorated condition, city workers left a message on Tolliver’s answering machine explaining that they intended to dismantle the piece and dispose of it. When they didn’t hear from her within the month, they threw it away.

Well-respected local artist, Mena Tolliver, won a design competition sponsored by the city. The 12-foot bronze sculpture was placed on a downtown corner near the football stadium. The sculpture received a lot of notice and was often included in television news shots and in the newspaper when reporters were covering the local team. After ten years of exposure to the elements, the sculpture began to show wear. Concerned that the sculpture could be dangerous in its deteriorated condition, city workers sent Tolliver a registered letter explaining their intention to dispose of the sculpture. When they didn’t hear from Tolliver after 90 days, they dismantled the piece and threw it away.