
This Bulletin includes a description of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs at the University of Missouri‑St. Louis. All statements in this publication concerning regulations, fees, curricula, or other matters are subject to change without notice. They are not to be regarded as offers to contract.

The University of Missouri‑St. Louis is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. This accreditation applies to all baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral levels.

The policies of the University of Missouri‑St. Louis comply with the provisions under those laws which forbid discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, handicap, or veteran status in any program or activity of the university.

Demographic data are obtained by the University in order to determine the effect of efforts related to the provision of equal educational opportunity. Completion of this information is optional.

Information regarding the provision of auxiliary aids and services to qualified students with disabilities can be found in Admissions and Academic Policies of this Bulletin. Students considering such assistance should contact the Director of Disability Access Services at (314) 516‑6554 voice or (314) 516‑5212 TT for further details.

Address inquiries regarding admission to all divisions of the university to the Director of Admissions, University of Missouri‑St. Louis, One University Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63121‑4400. For information concerning the University of Missouri‑Columbia, the University of Missouri‑Kansas City or the Missouri University of Science and Technology, write directly to the Director of Admissions at the appropriate campus or visit the UMSL website