White Collar Crime

(these ideas drawn from Goode, 1994-2008 chapter 9. See the disclaimer)

Crimes committed by the affluent in the course of normal business activities

Versus Organized crime-- organization directed towards deviance


  1. Activity hidden in normal business routines-secrecy (Medical Doctors vs Psychiatrists)
  2. Most investigation is pro-active vs. reactive

 So: given the great rewards and low risks of detection, why do so many business people adopt the 'economically irrational' course of obeying the law?

White-Collar Crime/Corporate Crime: Correlative Features

The Federal U.S. Sentencing Commission found that for white collar crimes prosecuted by federal courts between 1984- and 1987, sentences against convicted corporations tended to be extremely light; nearly half entailed a fine of $5,000 or less, 80% were fined $25,000 or less, and even probation against executives was imposed less than one-fifth of the time. Jail or prison time tends to be almost nonexistent.  


White-collar criminals are motivated by two factors:

Types (more)

Individual deviance: Crimes against the corporation

Collective embezzlement

Organizational deviance: Crimes in the name of the organization.

  1. "Illegal-yeah, but criminal, NO"
  2. Violaters had suffered enough
Who is the corporate actor?  

Occupational/Professional Deviance: Sociology of the Professions

Crime Within Professional Occupations  

What makes professional crime different form corporate crime?  

It is undertaken on behalf of the individual professional for person gain, not for a larger entity such as corporation and almost always the victim is the client.

Why do doctors do this?

Socialization into and the Organization of the Professions:

Self-protection, secrecy, regulation, and normalcy

Political and Governmental Deviance

2 Types

  1. Strict or Narrow interpretation: such actions must be against the law in jurisdictions in which they take place - Watergate.
  2. The broader type: what a crime is as spelled out in one jurisdiction may not be a crime in another.

Acts that are contemplated by political authorities that have a certain likelihood of prosecution are the product of an entirely different set of dynamics from those that have little or no such likelihood, for them, their actions literal illegal status is crucial.  i.e. when Saddam Hussein considers whether and how to crush the kurdis rebellion he does not have to consider the issue of legal prosecution. The fact that human rights groups or political leaders from around the world condemn the killing of Kurds is irrelevant.

What qualifies as political or governmental crimes?  

Concrete harm caused by government and political wrongdoing is independent of these reactions.  





Subcultural Theories

URL: http://www.umsl.edu/~keelr/200/wcolcrim.html
Owner: Robert O. Keel rok@umsl.edu
References and Credits for this Page of Notes
Last Updated: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:26 PM